Brand Meaning in Urdu & English

Brand meaning in Urdu and English for your knowledge is given below.

Meaning: تجارتی نشان، نام ، مارکہ جس سے کسی کاروبار کی پہچان ہو سکے۔
Roman: tejarti nishan, marka jis se kisi karobar ki pehchan ho sake
Talafuz: Brand

Brand Meaning in English

1. A name given to a business, product or service for identification.

  • Take your business to a level where people feel proud to use your brand name.

    Usage of Word Brand

  • There are several brands of shoes but Service and Bata are considered as best.
  • There are number of people who go after brand names instead of price and quality.
  • Build your business brand and tons of money will follow.

  • Brand Term Explained

    Company makes a product and uses all the advertising and marketing tactics to make it famous to the level that it becomes a recognition of the company. People start knowing the company with that product name. Some years back ghee was only known as Dalda because it was the only popular brand. Similarly Lux and Lifebuoy soap were the famous brand names.

    Due to advancement in media tech now advertising and marketing of a product became easy. The companies are using famous and beautiful actors, actresses and players to make their product a symbol of prestige. These famous personalities are also known as brand ambassadors of that particular brand. They charge hefty amount for this advertising campaign. So the product becomes a brand name and people love to buy that product and feel pleasure in doing so. There are number ofbranded shoes, branded clothes branded watches and other products that has become aspirational brands for large segment of people in the country.

    Synonyms of Brand

    brand name, trade name, trade mark

    Umeed hai ke ooper di gai information or video dekhne ke badh aap ko lafz brand ka matlab samjh aa gya ho ga

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    Brand Meaning in Urdu

    On this page you will find Brand Meaning in Urdu and English, definition, explanation and pronunciation of the word Brand. In addition to the Brand Urdu Meaning we have also added some additional related words and synonyms for your information and knowledge. To get a better grip over the word, try to make some sentences of your own so that the meaning is clear to you. Learn Business Terms and increase your business and financial vocabulary at business dictionary.