Budget Meaning in Urdu & English

Budget meaning in Urdu and English for your knowledge is given below.

Meaning: اخراجات اور آمدنی کا تخمینہ، میزانیہ
Roman: Akhrajat or amdani ka takhmeena
Talafuz: bu-jit

Budget Meaning in English

1. A sum of money allocated for a particular purpose.

2. A summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them.

Explanation of The Word

This word is a financial terminology that means to make a detail plan and forecast of earnings and expenditure. Normally the business companies work out their expenditures on salary, office rent, utility bills, transportation and other expenses that may incur for running of the business. Then they workout their earnings or profits and work accordingly so that the business functions smoothly. This working of figures is known as budget.

Budget ka matlab hota hai ke apne akhrajat or aamdan ka hisab kitab kerna or us ko aise tariqe se manage kerna ke company ya gharelu akhrajat mein tawazan barqarar rahe,

Usage of Word Budget

  • You have to allocate sufficient budget for advertising of your brand.
  • Intelligent bizman always make their business budget and stick to it.
  • Our company doesn't have sufficient budget for launching new product line.
  • Synonyms of Budget

    financial planning, expenditure plan

    Umeed hai ooper di gai information se aap ko budget ka matlab samjh aa gya ho ga.

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    Budget Meaning in Urdu

    On this page you will find Budget Meaning in Urdu and English, definition, explanation and pronunciation of the word budget. In addition to the Budget Urdu Meaning we have also added some additional related words and synonyms for your information and knowledge. To get a better grip over the word, try to make some sentences of your own so that the meaning is clear to you. Learn Business Vocabulary and increase your business and financial vocabulary at ABizMan.com business dictionary.