Inspirational Customer Service Quotes & Sayings

Best selected inspirational Customer Service quotes by some famous people of their times. These quotes about customer service will motivate and inspire you and you will be much wiser about the subject.

Customer service is all about feelings. I am of the opinion that customer service is actually feelings management. J.N. Halm
A customer service apology is stronger with a personal touch. Shep Hyken
Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it. Peter Drucker
When people call our call center, our reps don't have scripts, and they don't try to up-sell. They are just judged on whether they go above and beyond for the customer and really deliver a kind of personal service and emotional connection with our customers. Tony Hsieh
Customers may forget what you said but they'll never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
The key is to set realistic customer expectations, and then not to just meet them, but to exceed them — preferably in unexpected and helpful ways. Richard Branson
The customer experience is the next competitive battleground. Jerry Gregoire
Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement. James Cash Penney
Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless. Jeffrey Gitomer
Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten. Gucci Family Slogan
The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you. Derek Sivers
Always keep in mind the old retail adage: Customers remember the service a lot longer than they remember the price. Lauren Freedman
When you're busy, avoid taking the quickest action. Instead make the extra effort to truly serve the customer. Marilyn Suttle
If you take the approach of earning your customers' business every day and treating them well, they're less likely to try someone else. Marilyn Suttle
Customer service is an opportunity to exceed your customer's expectations. John Jantsch
A lot of people have fancy things to say about customer service, but it's just a day-in, day-out, ongoing, never-ending, persevering, compassionate kind of activity. Christopher McCormick
After each customer interaction, notice if you gave them a happy to see you kind of experience. Marilyn Suttle
The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary. Sam Walton
To keep a customer demands as much skill as to win one. American Proverb
Your customers are responsible for your company's reason for existing. Marilyn Suttle
Make your customers comfortable and they will give you their lives. Paul Orfalea
Teach your employees how to build relationships with your customers. Daniel C. Felsted
Customer service is the new marketing. Derek Sivers
To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity. Don Alden Adams
We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job to make the customer experience a little bit better. Jeff Bezos
Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they'll come back. We have to be great every time or we'll lose them. Kevin Stirtz
Customer service is just a day in, day out ongoing, never ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate, type of activity. Leon Gorman
Customer service isn't a department, it's a philosophy! Shep Hyken
Customer service is not a department, it's everyone's job. Ken Blanchard
Spend a lot of time talking to customers face to face. You'd be amazed how many companies don't listen to their customers. Ross Perot
You'll never have a product or price advantage again. They can be easily duplicated, but a strong customer service culture can't be copied. Jerry Fritz
Customer Service is everything and anything that touches a customer †directly or indirectly. Customer service means servicing customers and it's so much more than just solving problems or addressing complaints. Customer service is part of a holistic customer experience that is capable of providing a critical competitive advantage in today's increasingly cluttered and commoditized marketplace. Joseph Jaffe
Loyal customers, they don't just come back, they don't simply recommend you, they insist that their friends do business with you. Chip Bell
You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work. Laurie McIntosh
Customer service is the experience we deliver to our customer. It's the promise we keep to the customer. It's how we follow through for the customer. It's how we make them feel when they do business with us. Shep Hyken
Customers don't expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong. Donald Porter
If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful. Jeff Bezos
The longer you wait, the harder it is to produce outstanding customer service. William H. Davidow
Your customer doesn't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Damon Richards
Ask your customers to be part of the solution, and don't view them as part of the problem. Alan Weiss
News of bad customer service reaches more than twice as many ears as praise for a good service experience. Timi Nadela
Customer service represents the heart of a brand in the hearts of its customers. Kate Nasser
Customer service is a voluntary act that demonstrates a genuine desire to satisfy, if not delight, a customer. Steve Curtin
Good service is good business. Siebel Ad
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Bill Gates
In the world of Internet customer service, it's important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away. Doug Warner
The only purpose of customer service, is to change feelings. Seth Godin
Instead of selling to your customers, help them buy. Mahyar Mottahed
Good customer service costs less than bad customer service. Sally Gronow
When a customer is upset, remember that you're dealing with a person, not a problem. Marilyn Suttle

Funny Customer Service Quotes

Customers who are merely satisfied remain your customers only as long as everything goes their way. Chip Bell
Deep down, we believe that the problem put simply, is THEM. They, of course, believe WE are the problem. Unknown
Right or wrong, the customer is always right. Marshall Field
Be dramatically willing to focus on the customer at all costs, even at the cost of obsoleting your own stuff. Scott D. Cook
An immediate attention-grabbing start with a strong laugh as he rapidly humanized your work. A great example of starting strong. David Nihill
Being funny is hard work and not everyone is a natural. How to Be Funny is a witty guide that teaches readers precisely how to be funnier in everyday life. Jon Macks
Your satisfaction is our top priority. So if you could try to act really satisfied, that would be a big help. Randy Glasbergen
If we can keep our competitors focused on us while we stay focused on the customer, ultimately we'll turn out all right. Jeff Bezos
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen. Ernest Hemingway
There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else. Sam Walton
Customer service is not a department, it's everyone's job. Ken Blanchard
Unless you have 100% customer satisfaction, you must improve. Horst Schulze
If you have a job without aggravations, you don't have a job. Malcolm Forbes
On his first day at the office, he showed up with a rubber chicken, just to make sure he always thought funny. Ross Shafer
The irony of good customer service is that over time it will bring in more new customers than promotions and price slashing ever did! Susan Ward
One customer well taken care of could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising. Jim Rohn
Customers are like teeth. If you don't take care of them they go away one by one until there are none. Jerry Flanagan
Although your customers won't love you if you give bad service, your competitors will. Kate Zabriskie
Acknowledging the obvious is known in comedy as calling the room. It means vocalizing exactly what's going on in. David Nihill
It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages. Henry Ford
The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is not training them and keeping them. Zig Ziglar
You know your business model is broken when you're suing your customers. Paul Graham
One of the best ways to deal with stress in your life is through humor. Humor in the workplace can lead to more productive workers, which enhances profitability. Surrounding yourself with humor that you enjoy and determining the nature of Pattie Odgers
One of the top ways CSRs can deal with stress is through humor. Exposing yourself to humor and determining the nature of your own sense of humor is the initial step in using this approach to cope with stress. When you laugh, it helps reduce muscle tension, release anger, deal with the unexpected, and increase your sense of overall joy. Pattie Gibson
It should be relevant and engaging and have the key elements of a good story as outlined in Comedy Habit. Start with a Story. The dopamine released with those early laughs will immediately put at ease, this will further drive engagement and break down barriers. David Nihill
The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you. Derek Sivers
Getting a quick laugh can be a great way to lighten the mood. Move forward from there with an anecdote or a personal story. This should establish affinity. It should tell them who you are, what your passion is, and why they should have your passion, too. David Nihill
A smile is a curve that sets things straight. Phyllis Diller
Work at being funny, you will learn to use humor to, improve your public speaking, end an argument, avoid getting beaten yup, get a raise at work, make people think you're smart. You will see that being funny can make you more popular, enable you to pass the time in prison without being violated by large angry men. Jon Macks
just see funny: Humor is an effective way to boost morale at work, connect with others on a ... People may laugh at that specific moment. 2002 • ‎Snippet view
There are a lot of funny people in my trade. So, I am acutely aware that if I don't give my customers more than what they expect, in my case laughs, they won't come back. And brother, I need them to come back. I need them to tell their friends and family I am funny. These laughers are my customer base. And I want them to be happy. Ross Shafer
Do you talk funny throughout the rest of your talk? This helps you to engage as many of the customers as you can on a personal level. If you look like you're enjoying it and you look happy, chances are other people will start to as well. David Nihill
Good customer service costs less than bad customer service. Sally Gronow
A far-reaching exploration of the humour, wittiness and repartee dominant among the First Nations people of North America, as witnessed, experienced and created directly by themselves, and with the inclusion of outside but reputalbe sources necessarily familiar with the indigenous sense of humour as seen from an objective perspective. Drew Hayden Taylor
Do you have an hour of funny Customer Service stories? or Could you make a Human Resource training film teaching people to get along better. Each time, I blurted out. Yes! Truthfully, I only had a vague notion of how to pull these things off, at the time. Ross Shafer
The nature of any human being, certainly anyone on Wall Street, is 'the better deal you give the customer, the worse deal it is for you'. Bernard Madoff
Spend a lot of time talking to customers face to face. You'd be amazed how many companies don't listen to their customers. Ross Perot
Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. Theodore Roosevelt
A brand not responding on Twitter is like hanging up the phone on customers. With millions watching. Dave Kerpen
Funny people get noticed at work. No, we're not talking about the idiot who photocopies his buttocks in the mailroom, or the moron who wastes valuable internet time forwarding non-original emails to everyone all day. Jon Macks
Customers long to interact with - even relate to - employees who act like there is still a light on inside. Chip Bell
Thank your customer for complaining and mean it. Most will never bother to complain. They'll just walk away. Marilyn Suttle
Customer: A person who indirectly pays for all your vacations, hobbies, and golf games and gives you the opportunity to better yourself. unknown
There's a place in the world for any business that takes care of its customers-after the sale. Harvey Mackay
Thank you for calling customer service. If you're calm and rational, press 1. If you're a whiner, press 2. If you're a hot head, press 3." Randy Glasbergen
A satisfied customer — we should have him stuffed! John Cleese
If you're not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is. Jan Carlzon
Swallowing your pride occasionally will never give you indigestion. Unknown
Sales without Customer Service is like stuffing money into a pocket full of holes. David Tooman

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